Saturday, April 16, 2016


I like nights. I'm not an insomniac but I like spending my late evenings watching the night fall in and the stars showing up. I'm not afraid of the dark or loneliness. I grew up as a lonely single kid. Our family had hard days in my childhood and our solace would be star gazing in our terrace. The night was always mystical and it still is. It is incredible to think of the faces visible in the moon and the forms the clouds take in the night sky. My husband and I used to play guessing game trying to predict those patterns.
I'm startlingly active in the night than the mornings. I can do five different things during the night while I can do only one thing in the morning. I used to stretch into late nights and study for exams than early morning when I was a student because, the time at night used to be plenty, safe and never ending than the hasty morning hours.
 Night has a serene effect but it can turn out to be gloomy when I am depressed. It can be painfully long with sleeplessness. But it always comes with the ambience of a strong emotion, enough to think and retrospect. The period provides a special peace and relaxation for calmness. For the insomniacs, nights can mean harmful, but satisfies their lust for silence and night life. Nights have an uncanny healing power to them eventhough it affects their mood in the day. I love the night that cradles me into dreamland and helps me escape into a new world. Night is for me and you, to drift away and enjoy even the nothingness.


  1. "Our family had hard days in my childhood and our solace would be star gazing in our terrace". Don't even want to think of those days..

  2. Hi Nalini, though I'm not a night person but still love d glazing stars n d smile they put on my face.


  3. I probably get things done more efficiently in the morning, but I also like nights except for driving. Back in my younger days I used to sometimes go hiking at night and then camp out under the stars. It was sometimes a little scary, but typically peaceful and mysterious.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out



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